Indiana, United States
10 a.m.
10 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
Join us via Zoom: or call: 312-626-6799 and enter Meeting ID: 622 734 371
Reading Rooms are open for the public to study, pray, or buy Christian Science literature.
Visit our Reading Room617 N Franklin St, Michigan City, Indiana
Thursday 1–4 p.m.
1–7 p.m.
1–5:30 p.m.
April-October 1st Friday of the month
Saturday 1–4 p.m.
510 E Coolspring
Michigan City, Indiana 46360
United States
Get Directions
Reading Rooms are open for the public to study, pray, or buy Christian Science literature.
Visit our Reading Room617 N Franklin St, Michigan City, Indiana
Thursday 1–4 p.m.
1–7 p.m.
1–5:30 p.m.
April-October 1st Friday of the month
Saturday 1–4 p.m.